If you are posting your Santa letters to the Santa's Grotto you will need to add a stamp. If you are hoping to get a response from Santa check out the Royal Mail website for more information.
The New York Sun published what was to become the most widely read letter to a newspaper. It was sent by 8-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon, who lived with her parents in ...
We continue a tradition this year by reprinting a holiday classic in our Christmas edition of the Independent Review. The following letter and editorial response appeared in ...
Local insurance broker Howden Yeovil has officially opened its North Pole Mail Service, so that children can send a letter to Santa this Christmas and even get a personalised response back.
Hanlon, who wrote a letter to the New York Sun newspaper in 1897 asking if there really was a Santa Claus. The response from the paper?s editor, ?Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as ...
The post office has changed quite *** bit in the 45 years since that classic movie was made yet it still maintains its commitment to the spirit of santa claus. Making sure the letters to santa at ...