The legislation sparked concerns during committee over the rights of tenants and landlords and safeguards for both parties.
On March 2, a caller reported his housemate has been walking around naked and told him he had a concealed weapon and would ...
Assembly Bill 223 seeks to give tenants more power to hold landlords accountable for failing to provide livable conditions.
The proposal is part of a push by Republican legislators aimed at helping property owners deal with squatters.
Residents in the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County can now benefit from an expansion of the Stay Housed LA program, ...
PROVIDENCE – The Atlantic Mills Tenants Union amped up its efforts last week, holding a Saturday afternoon picket ...
A group of south Minneapolis renters​ are demanding action from their building's management company, alleging major maintenance issues are being ignored and tenants are being threatened with eviction.
As a committee of the Texas Legislature prepares to discuss a bill framed as a solution to squatting, housing advocates and court officials warn it is a Trojan horse that will erode renter protections ...
One-fifth of 165 combined low-income units in Portland’s Cully Neighborhood have been served eviction notices in the last 10 ...
Some fear a bill introduced in the Texas Houston to reduce squatting and expedite evictions could take away some tenants' ...
The landlord stated that the tenant was responsible for any costs associated with pest inspections or additional treatments.