IF YOU'RE someone who's been along for the Marvel Cinematic Universe ride for the past 17 years, it might be a little difficult to plot a full rewatch of the whole saga. After the release of C ...
Move over old MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), the new MCU (Mattel Cinematic Universe) has arrived, and it’s ready to launch with 15 announced movies and reportedly 45 more films waiting in the ...
Over 30 films later, the story of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is still being told, albeit with various tributaries and detours that introduce new characters and new worlds that may or may not ...
As it turns out, Marvel Cinematic Universe fans actually have Garth ... In The Boys #63, Frenchie loses his arm as he and Kimiko's assault on Vought-America's Team Titanic, as retaliation for ...
The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke has revealed that he shares the fan bases concerns about expanding the franchise into a widespread cinematic universe ... that Vought International is a critique ...