Venezuelan migrants handed over to Mexico like it’s a U.S. immigration detention facility. Families from Central Asia flown to Panama and Costa Rica to await voluntary repatriation to their countries.
On Thursday, the New York Times reported that the U.S. State Department plans to classify criminal groups from Mexico, Colombia, El Salvador and Venezuela as "terrorist organizations." The cartels ...
Panama says it’s working to formalize a route long used to smuggle migrants on the way to the U.S., which is now being increasingly used to return migrants to South America in a reverse flow triggered by the Trump administration.
To make a direct call to Colombia From Mexico, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Colombia mobile or land line from Mexico. To call Colombia from Mexico, dial: 00 - 57 - Area Code - Land ...
A notorious human smuggler who operated at the US-Mexico border and conspired with others to enable illegal entry of migrants into America from countries including India has been extradited from Mexico to face charges in the US.
Mexico has had its first – and hopefully not its last – blockbuster of the year with wedding romcom ‘Mesa de Regalos’ (roughly translated to Wedding Gift Table or Wedding Registry) with more than 1.7 million admissions,