By JAKE COYLE Mirror mirror on the wall, what’s the fairest Disney live-action remake of them all? Wait, mirror. Hold on a ...
The big-budget adaptation of Walt Disney’s original princess story has been in the works since 2016, following a string of ...
"Snow White," Disney's big-budget live-action film, faces cultural controversy and market challenges ahead of its release.
From Hollywood film Snow White to Bollywood movie Pintu Ki Pappi, several releases are set for this Friday. Have a look at ...
An embattled Disney princess, a steroid-addled bodybuilder and a trapped carjacker are all at cineplexes this weekend.
With its creepy CGI dwarfs and muddled tone, Disney’s latest live-action remake is “not calamitous” but is a “a mind-boggling mash-up”. Live-action remakes of Disney cartoons aren’t usually given a ...
After 15 years of churning through their back catalogue, Disney’s quest to make a live action version of every one of their ...