La destrucción del hospital evidencia las condiciones cada vez más desesperadas a las que se enfrentan Haití y sus donantes internacionales en su intento por rescatar Puerto Príncipe, la capital, del ...
For now, the focal point is entertainment lawyer Ted Black (Stephen Amell), a man with deep-seated daddy issues and a dark past from his time as a prosecutor in New York. Ted’s also due for a ...
Mark Carney, a central banker turned politician, steps into his role at a crucial moment as President Trump sets his sights on Canada’s sovereignty and keeps threatening more tariffs. By Vjosa ...
En el mundo del deporte existen atletas cuya influencia va mucho más allá del campo de juego, aquellos que dejan una huella duradera no sólo en su deporte sino en la sociedad. Diana Flores, mariscal d ...
Tyler Perry and Netflix have confirmed the renewal of the drama series following the premiere of Part 2.