Linda rose from the wheelchair at some point and knocked her husband with a low blow. Her son Shane eventually went on to ...
When Did Linda & Vince McMahon Get Married? The McMahons got married in 1966. Do Linda & Vince Have Children? Linda and Vince share two kids together: son Shane and daughter Stephanie. Are Linda ...
WWE co-founder Linda McMahon was sworn in as Donald Trump's education secretary on March 3, sharing her 'final mission' for ...
LINDA McMahon’s long career has seen her rise from professional wrestling to President Donald Trump’s pick for education secretary. The nominee faced questioning from a Senate ...
The Senate confirmed the nomination of the WWE co-founder, who has scant experience in schools, by a vote of 51-45.
Wrestling Executive on Conn. Board The chief executive of World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. has garnered a spot on the ...
Linda is best known as the co-founder of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc (WWE). She and her husband, Vince McMahon, led the company from the early 1980s through the 2000s. In 2009, Linda ...
Like Trump, Linda McMahon’s husband was famous for firing people on television.
Linda and Vince McMahon, her husband, spent over $20 million to help elect Trump last year, according to OpenSecrets, a campaign finance watchdog, making them among his largest financial backers.