Dr. Wittner is Professor of History at the State University of New York/Albany. His latest book, co-edited with Glen H. Stassen, is Peace Action: Past, Present, and Future (Paradigm Publishers).
Will Teague is an instructor in the Department of History at the University of Arkansas. Students demonstrating against the Shah of Iran, Washington, DC, 1979. Photograph by Marion S. Trikosko.
On December 8, 1876, Bristol police arrested the bookseller Henry Cook for selling the American birth control booklet Fruits of Philosophy. (Victorian readers knew the latter noun was a byword for ...
Ms. Wills is a writer, researcher, and genealogist, and author of the book, Notes and Documents of Free Persons of Color: Colonial Virginia, 1650-1850 (March 2003). Although the newest movie about ...
William S. Lind, Director of the Center for Cultural Conservatism, writing on the website of the Free Congress Foundation (Dec. 2003): Will Saddam's capture mark a turning point in the war in Iraq?
Renato Redentor Constantino, a writer and painter based in the Philippines, writes a weekly column for the Philippine national daily, TODAY (whose online partner is abs-cbnnews.com), in www ...
From an interview on NPR's Talk of the Nation (March 2004): Magnus Ranstorp: ...I think if you ask any Hamas official, they would see themselves as part of a chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood, the ...
Mr. Trefousse is the author mostly recently of Rutherford B. Hayes: 1877 - 1881, one oif the books on the American presidents edited by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. I have been asked by HNN how I could ...
Mr. Greenberg writes the "History Lesson" column and teaches at Rutgers University. He is the author of Nixon's Shadow: The History of an Image. The book's title gives a clue to its agenda.
Mr. Conkin is Distinguished Professor of History, Emeritus, at Vanderbilt. In writing my most recent book, The State of the Earth: Environmental Challenges on the Road to 2100 (Lexington: The ...
Jonathan Schell, in an article published jointly by the Nation and TomDispatch.com (July 30, 2004): "During the Vietnam War, many young men, including the current President, the Vice President and ...