In a shocking turn of events, Superman has unleashed a Kryptonian army that takes over the DC Universe, subverting their past ...
Warner Bros. officially announces two new movies in James Gunn's DCU, confirming rumors about one villain and two heroes' ...
The new Superman movie trailer is highly anticipated, and the latest update indicates the preview will arrive soon despite ...
Before "Superman" takes to the skies next year, James Gunn kicks off a new DC universe with the violent and sexy animated ...
Superman under James Gunn ranks high in fan anticipation, standing strong against Marvel’s heavyweight 2025 line-up.
Creature Commandos star David Harbour confirms that Eric Frankenstein won't make his live-action debut in Superman.
In an interview with Collider, Gunn said that he doesn’t want the interconnectivity of the DCU to bog down the franchise or ...
DC’s Absolute Universe is in full swing, and it’s already clear that Absolute Superman is a prime candidate to be adapted in movie form. The Absolute Universe kicked off as part of DC Comics’ DC ...
Showrunner Dean Lorey and supervising producer Rick Morales tell IndieWire about teasing a larger universe without knowing ...